miércoles, julio 11, 2007

Sisley Fashion Junkie

La polémica está servida, cuanto tardará algún telediario en soltar la liebre y llenar un par de minutos con esta polémica. Nosotros a estas cosas no las damos mucha importancia y más conociendo la trayectoria de esta marca, Sisley. Nosotros lo único que decimos que el mensaje es directo y contundente y eso nos gusta. Que hay yonkies eso ya lo sabemos y que sólo de drogas es falso, cada uno es mayorcito para hacer lo que le convenga… tengo curiosidad por saber quien se ha encargado de esta camapaña igual está detrás nuestro querido Richard

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Anónimo dijo...

Statement on a fake Sisley campaign

20 July, 2007

In the recent days, images which are told to be part of the new Sisley advertising campaign have been published in internet.

One of these images shows some girls "sniffing a vest". The allusion to drugs and alcohol is more than clear. We would like to clearly state that the Sisley brand (and the Benetton company) has nothing to do with these images and therefore we refuse to be linked with them.

Please also note that these images infringe Benetton's rights in the Sisley trademark. Our Legal Department has therefore been retained to take all advisable actions to protect the company's rights and interests.

The next Sisley campaign will instead have a very special testimonial, Stephanie Seymour, worldwide recognized as an icon of fashion and beauty.

For further information: paoletti@sisley.com
